Prestonwood Tower
The area surrounding Prestonwood Tower is one which offers virtually every amenity including shopping, banking, and numerous restaurants and hotels.
Property Information:
- Conveniently located at Beltline Road and Dallas North Tollway
- 229,996 total rentable square feet, 12 stories, 20,000 square foot floorplate
- On-site management and maintenance
- Full service + Electric Rates
- Stable ownership
- Renovated interiors
- Dallas, Texas physical address
- 3/1000 covered parking
- 4.8/1000 overall parking
- Unreserved parking free of charge
- Reserved parking $50/month
On-Site Amenities:
- Courtesy officer 24/7
- Tenant lounge with complimentary WiFi
- Conference facility with training room and board room
- Grab-n-Go market pantry
- Lunch delivery services by Foodsby and Lunchdrop
- Complimentary shoe shine service
- Notary services

Prestonwood Tower is the recipient of the Energy Star designation

5151 Belt Line Rd., Suite 650
Dallas, TX 75254
(972) 960-7600